From the beginning of our trip, Trung and I followed a strict schedule. A typical day consisted of a six to seven hour drive, followed by hotel check-in and dinner. Then, exhausted and full, we retired to our respective rooms.
This left no time for sightseeing. But I was not disappointed. At this point, I wanted to make the most of Trung's presence. I wanted to get as far as I could and see what my bike had in store. I would have plenty of time to be a tourist for the rest of my stay.
But that morning, the morning of December 25, Trung had promised me a boat ride on the lake. I was delighted.
The owner of the lodge had a small wooden boat that he used to offer rides on the lake. Of course, we were not going to waste a minute taking this boat ride: Trung had decided to take the two motorcycles and go back to the other side of the lake.
It was cold that morning and the engine had a hard time starting. After a few coughs, the boat quietly took off. The lake was beautiful. The sun was shining through the mist that was smoking on the lake. We were alone. There was not a living soul on the horizon.
The rest of the day was uneventful. We rode peacefully, enjoying our last kilometers together.